Stake Mina with a highly-secure and stable blockchain node

A reliable and secure Mina node written in the Rust programming language.

We'll help you begin staking with Open Mina

As developers of the Open Mina node, we provide unmatched insights and support


Open Mina is designed for maximum security. Rust prevents data races and memory leaks through its ownership model and compile-time checks. Its strict type system minimizes potential attack surfaces.


Enjoy staking with no downtime. Rust promotes stability through backward compatibility and a strong type system. Its cargo package manager strengthens dependency management, aiding reliability.


Explore the inner workings of your Mina node with our interactive dashboard that monitors block production and other activity, helping you optimize your staking strategy.


Open Mina is designed for maximum security. Rust prevents data races and memory leaks through its ownership model and compile-time checks. Its strict type system minimizes potential attack surfaces.


Enjoy staking with no downtime. Rust promotes stability through backward compatibility and a strong type system. Its cargo package manager strengthens dependency management, aiding reliability.


Explore the inner workings of your Mina node with our interactive dashboard that monitors block production and other activity, helping you optimize your staking strategy.


Open Mina is designed for maximum security. Rust prevents data races and memory leaks through its ownership model and compile-time checks. Its strict type system minimizes potential attack surfaces.


Enjoy staking with no downtime. Rust promotes stability through backward compatibility and a strong type system. Its cargo package manager strengthens dependency management, aiding reliability.


Explore the inner workings of your Mina node with our interactive dashboard that monitors block production and other activity, helping you optimize your staking strategy.

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